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Caroline Lapios

Caroline Lapios

Publié le : 25/09/2014 25 septembre sept. 09 2014

Caroline LAPIOS graduated with a master degree in industrial environment law from the Poitiers Law school.

She also graduated with a master in labor and social security law, and a master in legal career both from the Bordeaux law school,

All along her course, she was an intern in SMB or big companies' legal department allowing her to understand labor issues and acquired a solid and efficient experience in labor law.

She passed the Bar exam (CAPA) in the West-Center Bar school in POITIERS on September 28th 2012.

Caroline LAPIOS advises and acts in court in the area of labor and social security law, to guide private individuals and enterprises through their H.R. issues.

She is an associate lawyer in LEGALCY lawyers-counsels since October 2012

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