Jean-Michel Camus
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Jean-Michel CAMUS, the founder of the firm in 1994, has been a lawyer since Dec 21st 1989, when he took the oath.
He graduated with a master degree in private law from the Bordeaux law school.
Fully invested in his activity, profession and for his clients, il a été ancien président de l'Union des Jeunes Avocats de la Charente ainsi que Secrétaire de la Fédération Nationale de l'Union des Jeunes Avocat.
More recently he has been the president of the Bar association of Charente for 2007/2008 and was also a member of the board from 2000 to 2011.
Since 2009, he is a member of the Court of Appeal of BORDEAUX disciplinary committee, and was elected as its president since January 1st 2013.
He is also a qualified trainer for the French National Bar council (C.N.B.) in the area of expertise of civil proceeding in first and second degree, as part of setting up electronic proceeding.
Since January 1st 2012, he has been nominated as a European expert for the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) in the following areas of expertise: International private law, access to Justice and family law..
Since 2013, he is a teacher at the Court of Appeal of the PARIS Bar School, in European international private law.
His main areas of practice are Private law, international private law and business law.
Fluent in English, he can provide his services in both French and English.
For that matter, Jean-Michel CAMUS is a member of the Franco-British Lawyers Society ( FBLS/AJFB).
Jean-Michel CAMUS is a fellow of IAFL ( International Academy of Family Lawyers).
He is a certified specialist in Family and Property law.
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Jean-Michel Camus
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Jean-Michel Camus
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Jean-Michel Camus
Publié le : 25/09/2014 25 septembre sept. 09 201420142014 / SeptembreMaître Jean-Michel CAMUS exerce la profession d'avocat depuis le 21 décembre 1989, date de sa prestation de serment. Il est par ailleurs l'associé fondate...
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