News from LEGALCY lawyers counsels
From August 1st 2016, thanks to the Law dated August 6th 2015, so called « Loi MACRON », we are pleased to inform you that LEGALCY LAWYERS-ADVISORS law firm, will be allowed to make client’s representation in front of the High Courts of ANGOULEME, along with those of BERGERAC, BORDEAUX, LIBOURNE and PERIGUEUX.
As a matter of fact, this means our clients will benefit of high standard quality of LEGALCY LAWYERS-ADVISORS law firm, in front of these five high Courts, to plead cases and for client's representation, as well as in front of the Court of appeal of BORDEAUX.
Naturally, we continue to plead in front of every others french and european Courts, as before.
We are very pleased of this proceeding's enhancement, which will provide our client access to a high standard quality service, at a lower cost.
SCP CAMUS becomes LEGALCY Lawyers-counsels
Our firm's name is changing: SCP CAMUS lawyers, becomes LEGALCY Lawyers-counsels.
It exceeds the partner's person and leaves a mark on its international activity scope.
Beyond this simple modification, we intend to clearly focus on our values: these are perfectly identified in our signature: Custom
made law.
Thus, inside a world where law is omnipresent, complex, and in constant evolution, LEGALCY Lawyers-counsels brings you a
custom made legal service, of high standard quality, to act just for you, fast and efficient, either in France or abroad.
This change comes along with our brand new web site allowing you to discover all the universe of LEGALCY Lawyers-counsels, and to
maintain a constant link with it.
Employment contract and applicable law
Publié le : 18/08/2015 18 août août 08 2015201520142015 / Août2014 / AoûtSource: Supreme Court, Social Ch., 9th July 2015, n° 14-13.497 Labour Law / International Law An employee had been hired for a part-time work, as a progr...
News from LEGALCY lawyers counsels
Publié le : 16/12/2014 16 décembre déc. 12 201420142014 / DécembreFrom August 1st 2016, thanks to the Law dated August 6th 2015, so called « Loi MACRON », we are pleased to inform you that LEGALCY LAWYERS-ADVISORS law firm,...
Parution des décrets relatifs aux procédures dans lesquelles le silence gardé pendant plus de deux mois par l’Administration vaut acceptation
Publié le : 01/11/2014 01 novembre nov. 11 201420142014 / NovembreSource: LOI n° 2013-1005 du 12 novembre 2013 habilitant le Gouvernement à simplifier les relations entre l'administration et les citoyens et décrets parus au...
QPC portant sur la capacité juridique des associations ayant leur siège social à l'étranger
Publié le : 01/11/2014 01 novembre nov. 11 201420142014 / NovembreSource: Conseil Constitutionnel, 7 novembre 2014, QPC n° 2014-424 Aux termes de l'article 5 de la loi du 1er juillet 1901, une association qui veut être d...
Deux décisions sur le déplacement illicite d’enfants
Publié le : 01/11/2014 01 novembre nov. 11 201420142014 / NovembreSources : Cour de Cassation 1ère ch. Civile 19 novembre 2014, n°14-17493 et 13-18902 - La première espèce (n°14-17493) porte plus précisément sur le non-r...
Preuve loyale : Réseaux sociaux, attention à bien paramétrer la confidentialité de vos publications !
Publié le : 01/11/2014 01 novembre nov. 11 201420142014 / NovembreSource : CA Versailles, 13 nov. 2014, n°13-08736 Depuis un arrêt de la Chambre Sociale de la Cour de Cassation en date du 23 mai 2007 (n° 06-43209) il e...